OHSU Doernbecher Children´s Hospital
First of all I want to say Thank You to Sarah Lawson from the bottom of my heart. She sent out a few flyers to a very dear friend of mine in the Portland area and in turn she sent them onto me. This is the only way I can give you the best information on Doernbecher.
Doernbecher is recognized as one of America´s leading children´s hospitals.
Recognized by U.S. News & World Report as one of the nation´s best children´s hospital.
Recognized as the Consumer Choice by Portland-area residents for 13 consecutuive years.
Recognized as a trusted partner by pediatricians and family medicine providers in every Oregon county.
Recognized as vital to children by thousands of generous donors each year.
Doernbecher offers the region´s broadest range of pediatric treatments – from the ordinary to the extraordinary:
Caring for more children in more places than any other hospital in Oregon or southwest Washington.
Providing the greatest number of children´s specialists working together in one location.
Offering the newest and most advanced treatments because Doernbecher is part of OHSU, Oregon´s only academic health center.
Partnering with providers to deliver care to children from every county in Oregon.
Integrating inpatient, outpatient and surgical care in one facility.
Doernbecher educates Oregon´s pediatric specialists and shares knowledge with doctors and hospitals throughout the region:
Doernbecher offers the only pediatric residency program in Oregon – and each year more than 1.000 medical students from around the country vie for the program´s 17 spots.
More than a quarter of all physicians in the U.S. pursuing pediatrics apply to Doernbecher each year as interns and residents.
The pediatric residency program has one of the highest board pass rates in the country.
Doernbecher provides a wide range of professional development opportunities to Oregon´s pediatric experts.
Doernbecher is working to find cures and treatments that improve care for the children and are changing the face of pediatric medical science:
Involved in more than 120 active pediatric clinical trials and databases – more than all other Oregon hospitals combined.
Part of OHSU, a nationally ranked research institution where more than 4.000 research studies are currently under way.
Testing the newest potential cancer therapies as one of only 21 National Cancer Institute-designated pediatric Phase 1 cancer centers in the nation; world´s first hospital to test the effectiveness of Gleevec, the revolutionary cancer pill (Developed at the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute, Gleevec (Imatinib) is a registrered trademark of Novartis, Inc.), on kids.
Breakthrough research in the genetic and cellular causes of childhood diseases.
Outreach And Partnership
Doernbecher experts collaborate with everyone – community pediatricians, parents, caregivers and donors – to improve the health of children:
Doernbecher experts travel the region to provide specialty care at more than 200 outreach clinics in 15 locations so kids can receive care in their own communities.
The Pediatric and Neonatal Doernbecher Transport (PANDA) team responds to emergencies throughout the state, making more than 800 trips each year.
Doernbecher´s telemedicine network includes sites in Eugene, Medford, Roseburg, Silverton, Astoria, Coos Bay and McMinnville – allowing Doernbecher specialists to partner with regional providers via state-of-the-art-technology.
Well now you got a small view what Doernbecher really do. I want to let you know that cause I don´t want that you say that I only do promotion for the gala to spent money.
You can always donate anytime. Of course if you want I could help to get in contact with the right people. Of the following pages I´ll show you four essential areas for you so you can decide what you want do to support.
The gala should give the families of the sick children the opportunity to stay with them which are not close by in Portland. Like I wrote before many people came from all over the state of Oregon. For the family members it´s not only very expensive. They also may have addiontal children and it´s very time-consuming to "travel" to the hospital. The money is to serve it a lot easier for them. Perhaps to reserve rooms so that families can stay a few days on the site of their kids or transport them over there. This is why Sasha do the gala together with the cast & crew of Grimm.
Hopefully I could explain a bit why this is so important. Childrens are the most precious thing we have. It starts sadly already in infancy. Baby´s can not tell their parents or the doctors what´s wrong. It´s so important to continue the research to recognize the genetic and cellular causes so much earlier so that they´ve a long, painless and wonderful life. They should have the childhood which they deserve. They should fall in love, go to end up the school successfully and do an education. Who knows...maybe one of these kids becoming a doctor and develope something to end the suffering. That would be the most wonderful thing we can imagine isn´t it?
In that way...All the best for the children, their families and all of us. God Bless!